The film follows two years of contruction of the d'Oriola gymnasium in INSEP in Paris, flagship of French sport. The work of the athletes to reach perfect movements is seen as an echo of the initials demanding gestures of the act of building.
Documentary - 44 ' - HDV - 1.77 - © 2010
Client : Vinci
Building : François Leclercq architects urbanists
Screenings : Journées du Patrimoine Paris 2010 and Salon Architects[]at]work Paris 2011.
The bit - 3'30 "- Will Ibrahima and Yannick manage to recover the drill bit ?
Le joint - 2'44" - Let's do the coating properly...
Team : script, direction Mathieu Pradat - production Marie Eve Roques - music, sound Nicolas Pradat - editing Félix Emmanuel - graphism Un Ptit Coquelicot - étalonnage Andres Mélendez - panoramics Yixin Xu.